M1 Garand SLED

The big question is why should you be using a SLED (Single Loading Enhancement Device) in your M1 Garand? I mean you can just put the cartridge in the chamber and let the bolt slam home, right? No reason to buy another accessory that you don’t really need.

But the fact is if you are going to be shooting single shot with your M1 you should most definitely be using a SLED for the safety of you and your rifle. Improper single loading has been associated with one of the reasons for slam fires in Garand’s.

The M1 Garand just like the M14/M1A and AR15 rifles have what is termed a “free floating firing pin”. Which means there is no firing pin spring to keep the firing pin from freely moving back and forth in the bolt of its own weight.

Have you ever removed an unfired round from the chamber and looked at the primer? Seen that little dimple that magically appeared? Yep, that’s from the firing pin tip making contact with the primer. Under normal operation where rounds are being stripped and fed from the enbloc clip or a magazine in the M14 and AR15’s case, it’s not an issue. The reason it’s not an issue is because the bolt velocity is reduced by having to strip a round vs. just slamming home without any resistance. So, the higher the bolt velocity when it slams forward the higher the velocity of the firing pin tip hitting the primer. Add in a high primer, sensitive primer, etc., etc. situation and you can start to see where you could have a primer pop when you didn’t want it to with devastating results.

So, in closing always use a SLED in a Garand and a magazine in a M14/M1A and AR15 when single loading.

How to use a SLED-

The SLED is inserted into the mag well with the modified end up and locks in place until removed manually. Push the SLED all the way in until the bent tab on the left side locks under the receiver cut. When inserting do not depress the follower. Once installed, to load, simply place a cartridge on the right side of the follower and press down until it snaps into place. Retract Op Rod handle slightly to release and let go to strip and feed the round normally. The bolt will lock open on firing ready for another round to be snapped into place.

To remove the SLED, lock the bolt open. Looking down into the mag well you will see on the left side the forward most tab. This is the unlocking tab. Using a flat screwdriver, pry the tab inward. When you have pried the tab far enough the SLED will pop up slightly and be able to be removed.

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