We have listed several websites that we feel might be of interest to our customers.
Adobe Acrobat Reader Offers a free PDF reader to allow viewing of our online documents. This link takes you right to the download page. Just make sure to uncheck the “Optional Offers” before installing.
CMP Civilian Marksmanship Program. You can get all the information here for buying that M1 Garand from the US Government.
FCSA Fifty Caliber Shooters Association. A great organization promoting the shooting of the 50 caliber rifle.
GCA The Garand Collectors Association is a fantastic organization which I believe everyone who loves the Garand should be a member of. They also put out a great quarterly magazine. Offers great coverage of the United States in regards to concealed carry info. I recommend it as a reference for my students when teaching the NE Concealed Handgun Permit course.
Manson Reamers Offering quality chambering reamers and other tooling. These are the ones we use in the shop.
NRA The National Rifle Association. I think every firearm owner should be a member. Think of the clout potential.
NSSF This is basically a firearms industry organization. They sponsor several initiatives like Project Child Safe®, +OneSM and Fix NICS® . They are also responsible for the SHOTShow®, the industries leading trade show.
Sean’s Ugly Grips If you are looking for a set of unique, high quality, custom type grips for your 1911 using exotic woods, that are I think very reasonably priced, then you shough check out Sean’s website.
Arms Providing interesting history and collecting of firearms. If you scroll down the left navigation bar to “Manufacture Dates”, you will find a link to “US Military firearms” which will provide serial number information for US Military firearms. Especially the M1 Garand.